Friday, November 13, 2009

Digital Citizen, Digital Photography, Gimp

I think the world has long been waiting for an article like "Digital Citizen" to come out. With changes in technology across the world mean wonderful improvements across society. However, with wonderful improvements also come some unwanted changes. As the world changes, we need to keep up with it. And being in the digital age is no excuse for bad behavior to occur with new technology.

This article talked about harmful situations like cheating on a test or texting during class, and other equally inappropriate things. As an educator in the 21st Century, it will become more important to acquaint ourselves with what is being used by the general population. Cell phones are now not only popular for calling and texting, but also for use with the internet. This has many wonderful implications, but students with such technology siting in a classroom may have too many distractions when it comes to learning. As a teacher, I cannot and willnot tolerate texting in class. Nor will I allow cheating, or forms of bad communication. I certainly think that we need to be aware of even more dangerous activities like "sexting," where sexual harrassment can lead into lawsuits and expulsion of teachers and students alike. The more technology increases and we use it in the classroom, the more potential we have to teach students in new, envigorating ways. However, we must be reminded that this technology is a privilegde, and misusing it would make it a double-edged sword.

I also loved the article on "Digital Photography." I loved it very much because I am still one of those kids living in the 90s without a digital camera. That's right! I do not yet own a digital camera, nor do I have any desire to go out and buy one. But that's not to say that I don't think that the digital technology associated with pictures isn't incredible! My brother has owned his own digital camera from the very begining, and I've always been impressed with everything he's been able to do with it. He loves "Apple" computers, and has been using "Macbooks" all throughout his life - more than he reads regular books. I was always impressed with his creations, but scared off by how expensive Adobe Photophop was. I couldn't believe it! But now, with programs such as Gimp and others, we are able to do much of the same that we would on Adobe Photoshop. I have limited experience with Gimp, but as I get into digital camera technology, I will look forward to using such a neat program.

Finally, in this day and age it is very important that we constantly review the rules of publishing information, whether it is on or off the internet. I have seen many careers come to an end with the pitfalls of plagarism and the like, so I have always been extra careful to list my sources, whatever the project may be. Because the internet is still new to some people, we have to constantly educate those who are not as familiar with it as we are. New books need to be written. It is time that as we are in the digital age, we become fully acountable in every aspect of what we do.

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot of good comments, Rick. In regards to technology etiquette and copyright, it's important that we remain good examples for our students.
